Friday, July 6, 2007

Sad days for the World!

What a level we have been reduced to when skilled medical staff are being lured to create pain, injury and death indiscriminately. Mankind is on the verge of collectively going nuts!

We have stuffed our environment, elected moronic politicians, largely forgotten our compassion for our fellowbeings as we pursue selfish goals and so on. Sure we, thankfully, have many exceptions but the elements thinking beyond self are becoming a threatened species.

My heart bleeds as we offer little to future generations - with a ravaged planet and a society that continues to tear itself apart how can the young lay sound foundations?

We find many of those we looked up to are failing dismally. Politicians bereft of principle and driven by vested interests using huge budgets to sway the public; religious people who have fallen victim to bad influences and bigotry; captains of industry who, increasingly, fleece the public with ease. It goes on and on....... Okay this is very much a broadbrush and sweeping generalisation but the incidence is rising and of major concern. It is a poor example to the young who must doubt as to their future.

Notwithstanding this social environment I will still try to fight to bring some good "old fashioned" virtues but it saddens me that with the multitudes who gravitate to the Internet the biggest percentage are into activity which will simply take society further into the sewers! Maybe that is what mankind deserves - I can hear our beleagured threatened animal species in their ravaged habitat applauding that statement!

How sobering - and we like to say we are the "higher species". What a sick joke!

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